For me, photography has been many things over the years: a profession, a goal, a hobby and a lifelong passion.
Since long before I was the guy in that picture to the left (is that the Loyola campus in Baltimore? Somewhere around the far edge of the old Inner Harbor? God knows), I was taking pictures and shooting movies. I went to college to learn to do that for real, and then I went to New York to work on real, real movies and had to slow way down on making my own stuff. It took me awhile to learn how to work on my stuff while also working on other people’s stuff, but then I managed.
BabyMatt – Baltimore 1998
Some years later, I’m in LA, working in Rock n Roll, and still learning how to make my things in the lulls of other people’s schedules. Another decade or two of this, and I should be really good at it. One of the benefits of my life, currently, is that I get to travel (or I did in the before times) all over the world to wherever will have a Big Rock Show. I’ve gotten some shoots in while on the road, and I’d like to get more as soon as concerts come back.
If I never have to write another one of these “About Me” sections it will be too soon, so thanks for reading this one, and I’m sorry it’s lackluster.
I don’t really do travel photography, but I DO travel…